

The following constitution was passed at the 2022 AGM and amended at the 2023 AGM.



1.1  The name of the Club shall be “Belmont and Edgware Cricket Club” (BECC).



1.12.1 To promote and encourage the playing of cricket in a competitive, yet fun and spirited environment.

1.12.2 To offer as many Jewish people as possible the opportunity of playing cricket.


3.1 Each year’s membership runs from 1
st January until 31st December from January until January

3.2 There are the following types of annual playing membership:
(i) Adult playing membership;
(ii) Student playing membership,
(collectively known as the "Playing Memberships"); and
(iii) Social membership.

3.3 The Executive Committee shall have the right to create such other form of non-playing membership as it considers appropriate. The Executive Committee shall announce the details of such non-playing membership, including what such members would be entitled to, ahead of the relevant membership year.

3.4 All members (whether Playing Members, Social Members or any other non-playing member) will have speaking and voting rights at the General Meetings.

Honorary membership shall consist of the President and Vice-Presidents.

3.6 Membership fees shall become due on 1st January each year.

3.7 Playing Membership entitles you to inter alia:

(i) Reduced fees for training and matches;
Priority selection for matches; 
(iii) Preferential entry/costs treatment for socials and other Club events;
(iv)   Such other benefits as the Executive Committee may determine and announce ahead of the relevant membership year.

3.8 Anyone who has played in at least five games during a season is required to pay playing membership fees.

3.9 Social membership entitles you to inter alia:

(i) Reduced fees for training and matches;
(ii) Preferential entry/costs treatment for socials and other Club events; and
(iii) Such other benefits as the Executive Committee may determine and announce ahead of the relevant membership year.


4.1 The income of the Club shall be used solely for the objectives of the Club.
The annual membership fees and match fees shall be fixed at the entire discretion of the Executive Committee before the start of each membership year and may be adjusted as appropriate at the discretion of the Executive Committee.  
There shall be an Executive Committee Meeting to fix the membership fees each year after the AGM and before 31st December. 


5.1The General Meeting (and AGM) are the sovereign body of the Club and decisions made at these meeting can only be overturned at another General Meeting.
5.2 A General Meeting will be convened by the Chairman and Vice-Chairman on receipt of a signed request from 3 Senior Executive Officers or 10 members.   This meeting is to take place within 30 days.   Notice of such a meeting shall be given to all Honorary, Adult and Student members, stating the date, place, time and business to be transacted.
5.3 The quorum shall be 10 members or 1/3 of the membership (whichever is lower).
5.4 All votes and resolutions are to be decided by a simple majority of all those present and eligible to vote.
Unless requested otherwise all votes will be by a show of hands.
A GM may take place as an online event at the Committee’s discretion.


6.1 An Emergency General Meeting is only called to discuss one topic.  
If it is required, the Chairman and Vice Chairman will need to have received a signed request from 2 Executive Officers or 8 members.  
This meeting is to take place as soon as possible but no longer than 21 days from the request.  
Notice of such a meeting shall be given to all Honorary, Adult and Student members, stating the date, place, time and topic to be discussed. 
No other business other than that stated in the request can be tabled.
An EGM may take place as an online event at the Committee’s discretion.


7.1 The AGM shall be held between October and December.

7.2 There must be at least 28 days’ notice of the meeting to members.

7.3 The quorum shall be 10 members or 1/3 of the membership (whichever is lower).

7.4 The annual accounts are presented at the meeting.

7.5 All votes and resolutions are to be decided by a simple majority of all those present and eligible to vote.

7.6 Changes to this constitution can only be made at the AGM.

7.7 Any member seeking to propose a change to this constitution must submit the proposed amendment to the Club Secretary a minimum of 3 weeks in advance of the AGM and the amendment shall be voted on at the AGM.

7.8 Unless requested otherwise all votes (with the exception of elections) will be by a show of hands.   In the event of a tie the motion shall not pass

7.9 The AGM may take place as an online event at the Committee’s discretion.


8.1 Within 8 weeks of the season being completed, the club shall hold a social and awards evening.

8.2 All members shall be invited to the social and awards evening.


9.1 The Honorary Officers will be appointed by the Executive Committee and approved annually at the AGM.

9.2 Honorary Officers have speaking rights at General Meetings but not voting rights.

9.3 The Honorary Officers are:

(i) The President.

(ii) The Vice-Presidents.


10.1 The Senior Executive Officers are elected at the AGM and take office immediately after the meeting, they are:

(i) The Chairman

(ii) The Secretary

(iii) The Treasurer

(iv) The Club Captain

All posts are for one year.

10.3 In the event of an officer not completing their term of office it may be temporarily filled at the discretion of the Executive Committee.


The Executive Officers are, with the exception of the Club Vice-Captain, elected at the AGM and take office immediately after the meeting, they are:

(i) The Fixture Secretary

(ii) The Social Media and Publicity Officer

(iii) The Membership Liaison Officer

(iv) The Club Vice-Captain

(v) The 2nd XI Captain

All posts are for one year.


11.3 The Club Vice-Captain shall be nominated by the Club Captain immediately following the AGM, to be ratified by the Executive Committee at its first meeting following the AGM. The nominated person will be confirmed in the role if ratified by two-thirds of the Committee (with all Executive Committee members save for the individual who is the proposed Club Vice-Captain having a vote).

In the event of a vacancy on the Executive Committee, the membership shall be invited to put themselves forward for consideration of the vacant role.

11.5 Vacant Executive Officers positions (those not filled at the AGM) can be appointed by the Executive Committee.

11.6 If needed these Officers can be invited to attend specific Executive Committee meetings, where they will receive the same powers as a Senior Executive Officer

11.7 In the event of an officer not completing their term of officer it may be filled temporarily at the discretion of the Executive Committee.


12.1 Half the Senior Executive Officers must be present in order to form a quorum.
The Executive Committee shall have the power to decide all disputes and to make such bye-laws as may appear to it to be necessary.
12.3 The Executive Committee has the power to overrule a decision made by the Chairman.
The Executive Committee has the power to recruit additional members to take on specific responsibilities either not addressed in this Constitution or to support Officers fulfilling their duties.  
Meetings shall be convened by the Secretary as and when necessary or when requested by two Senior Executive Officers. There shall be at least four meetings a year.
The Executive Committee shall be empowered to deal with any question arising in connection with the Club not provided for in this Constitution.
Minutes of any meeting of the most recent Executive Committee shall be made available on request, unless the committee deems it inappropriate to do so in the best interests of the club.


13.1 Selection for any XI is at the entire discretion of the Captains

13.2 The Captains shall liaise with each other as to the appropriate selection for each XI each week.

13.3 The captains shall use their best endeavours to select the teams and notify the members by Wednesday evening each week.

13.4 The captains will, in conjunction with the Fixtures Secretary, decide on the number of games to be played and the level of opposition.

14.1 All matters concerning discipline shall, in the first instance, be decided by the Chairman and the captains. They have the power to suspend players for a maximum of two Sunday matches. If they feel that any disciplinary matter brought to them is so serious, it may be referred to a Disciplinary panel. This shall normally be made up of the Club captain and the Secretary. Where possible anyone involved should not be on the Panel. At the discretion of the Chairman, a non- executive paid-up member of the club may be invited to join a Disciplinary panel.

14.2 If the matter is referred to a Disciplinary Panel the person involved shall be suspended from playing until a decision is made. The Panel must meet within 14 days of being called. The format of the meeting will be at the discretion of the Panel.

14.3 Any member wishing to appeal the decision of the Disciplinary Panel shall write to the Chairman who will then convene, as soon as practicable an Appeals Panel.  This 3-man Panel shall normally be the Chairman and two other Senior or Executive Committee Members. Their decision is final and binding on the Disciplinary Panel and on the appellant Member.

The Disciplinary and Appeals Panel may expel any Member whom they are of the opinion has been guilty of discreditable or dangerous conduct or has brought the Club into disrepute.




15.1 It is the responsibility of each Member of the Club to put their availability on the website and update it regularly to ensure it is correct.   
15.2 Members must update the website by 9pm on a Tuesday. The selection committee reserves the right not to consider for selection any member who does not update their availability by this deadline.

15.3 If a Member has been selected but cannot play they must inform the appropriate Captain immediately.  

15.4 If there is bad weather on the morning of a match Members should contact their Captain and not assume a match is cancelled.

15.5 Members are expected to play in the spirit of the game and disciplinary action will be taken against those whose actions are not deemed unacceptable and reflect badly on the Club.

15.6 Members are expected to act respectfully towards other members at all times on all social media outlets.


16.1 6 Weeks before the AGM members will be invited to nominate themselves for the Executive Committee, with the deadline 3 weeks ahead of the meeting. Members may nominate themselves or any other member by contacting the Secretary.

16.2 The Secretary has the discretion to accept late nominations.

16.3 All Members have the right to stand in elections.

16.4 Members may stand for election to one captaincy role in addition to standing for election to a maximum of one other position on the Executive Committee.

16.5 The Secretary must contact potential candidates to confirm their candidacy and request a supporting statement / manifesto, as soon as nominations are received.

16.6 Candidates wishing to submit a statement supporting their candidacy (up to a maximum of 400 words) will have it sent to the Club’s members 2 weeks before the AGM and distributed at the AGM. This document is not to contain comments about other candidates or other members. It is purely to state why the candidate is the best person for the job and what they wish to achieve. Submissions not following these rules will either be withdrawn or edited.

16.7 2 weeks before the AGM a list of candidates will be distributed with the AGM papers

16.8 Re Open Nominations (RON) shall be an option in every election.

16.9 No proxy votes will be accepted

16.10 For any members who are unable to attend the AGM, email or Whatsapp votes sent to the Secretary will be accepted up until the start of the AGM. The Secretary will inform the meeting of those whose vote he has accepted.

16.11 Candidates will be given 2 minutes to address the meeting before the voting slips are distributed and voting takes place.   In contested elections candidates will be asked to leave the room when not making their address.  Following the speeches questions can be asked but they must be addressed to all those standing in the specific election and not just a single candidate. In the situation where the Chairman is standing in an election the chairing of the meeting will need to be handed to the Secretary.

16.12 In the event that the meeting is not held in person, votes shall be cast by email or Whatsapp to the Secretary.

16.13 Only members can be a Senior Executive Officer or an Executive Officer. 
The Chairman can not hold any other position.  

16.15 In the case of a draw the Chairman will have an additional vote, except for elections for the role of Chairman in which case the Secretary will have an additional vote.



17.1 Every Member of the Club shall be entitled, on request, to receive a copy of this Constitution.
No Member, other than the Chairman, Secretary, Captains, Fixtures Secretary or Social Media and Publicity Officer may speak on behalf of the Club unless given permission by the Chairman or Executive Committee.


18. Standing Orders


The position has overall responsibility for the Club, ensuring all Officers do their job and delegating duties if jobs are not done.
In a situation where the Constitution is unclear the Chairman or Secretary has the power to interpret the intention of regulations and in all cases must look towards the best for the Club, ensuring that everything is fair.
He has the power to make minor day-to-day decisions that he deems not necessary to go to the Executive Committee.
He represents the Club at external meetings (or nominate an alternative).
He Chairs all General Meetings and Executive Meetings unless he is proposing a motion, when the Chair is passed to the Secretary (or another Senior Executive Officer).
He decides on who should be named “Club Man of the Year”.
Any other duties decided by the Executive Committee.
Sends Chairman’s letters on behalf of the club for life events and for significant achievements.
Welcomes new members to the club.


This position is understudy for the Chairman.
He is responsible for all communications, producing minutes and meeting preparation, including organising meetings of the Executive Committee.
On a daily basis his priority will be on the non-playing side of the Club.
He is responsible for organising the AGM and elections.
He shall draft any amendments to the constitution
Any other duties decided by the Executive Committee.


He is responsible for dealing with the Leagues and clubs whose pitches the Club hires for home matches and passing on relevant information to the Captains.
He shall be responsible for organising a fixture list during the closed season and arranging additional games during the summer.
He shall organise the number of fixtures as directed by the team captains each week and shall use his best endeavours ensure that the opposition are of an appropriate standard.
He will contact and work with the relevant Fixture Bureau.
He is responsible for contacting oppositions a week in advance of a game and passing all relevant details to the Captains.
He shall make arrangements for each fixture with the opposition (including timings, financial arrangements and where appropriate, the provision of teas which he shall also order where required), in conjunction with the Treasurer.
He is responsible for the booking of pitches in conjunction with the Treasurer.
Any other duties decided by the Executive Committee.


He is responsible for managing the club’s finances.  
He shall take responsibility for paying for pitches.
He is responsible for organising arrangements for teas at the start of each season, such that he or the Fixtures Secretary can place the order for teas on specific weeks, as appropriate.
He shall compile the weekly match fees collected from each team.
He is responsible for compiling the weekly nets fees collected on the night.
He shall oversee the collection of all Membership fees and keeping an up-to-date record of paid Members. Purchasing and distribution or all Club kit and equipment.
He is responsible for fund-raising and sponsorship
Any other duties decided by the Executive Committee.


He is responsible for the playing side of the Club.
He shall be the immediate point of contact for new players at the club.
He shall be the 1st XI Captain
He is responsible for managing the 1st XI on the field of play.
He shall inform the team of match arrangements.
He will work with the 2nd XI captain to organise the distribution of players amongst the teams.
He shall keep in contact with Members throughout the season to ensure as many Members as possible get to play.
He is responsible for organising the production of match reports and submitting results for 1st XI games.
He shall ensure that all teams representing the Club play in the correct manner and do not damage the name of the Club.
He has overall responsibility for organising training
He shall organise the social and awards evening.
Any other duties decided by the Executive Committee.


He is responsible for managing the 2nd XI on the field of play, when selected for the XI.
He shall inform the team of match arrangements, regardless of whether he is selected or not.
He will work with the Club Captain to organise the distribution of players amongst the teams.
He shall keep in contact with Members throughout the season to ensure as many Members as possible get to play.
He is responsible for organising the production of match reports and submitting results. For 2nd XI games. When not selected in the second XI, this must be delegated.
He shall ensure that the 2nd XI play in the correct manner and do not damage the name of the Club.
Any other duties decided by the Executive Committee.


He shall take responsibility for arranging the end of season Club Day and at least two additional social events during the year (one of which must be held in the off-season).
He shall contact a range of members on a regular basis, to encourage availability for matches and attendance at social events and to gauge the views of the Members on general issues affecting the Club.
He is responsible for assisting the Treasurer in chasing collection of all Membership fees and keeping an up-to-date record of paid Members
He shall be responsible for the upkeep of the Club website and ensuring that the database is current.
Any other duties decided by the Executive Committee.


He is responsible for promotion and publicity, other than match reports.  
He shall design and place advertising as directed by the Executive Committee
He shall take primary responsibility for the social media accounts of the Club
He is responsible for adding new members to relevant social media groups
He shall liaise with press, arranging promotional interviews and drafting press releases
Any other duties decided by the Executive Committee.


He shall assist the Club Captain with his duties of leading the Club, including assisting with team selection, the organisation and structure of training sessions and assisting on match-day.
He shall assist the Club Captain with organising the social and awards ceremony.
He will assume the responsibilities of the Club Captain in circumstances where the Club Captain is unable to do so (e.g. if he is away or otherwise unavailable).
Any other duties decided by the Executive Committee.


Minutes of the previous meeting - Matters of Accuracy, Matters Arising
Constitutional Amendments (only at AGM)
Any Other Business
The Chairman can change the order to facilitate a smoother meeting