
Belmont & Edgware Cricket Club News story

BECC news...Save the Date...40th Dinner...15th September 2014

31 Mar 2014

This is the 40th anniversary of Belmont Cricket Club
We will marking this by two special events, the first being a Past v Present game on June the 29th
This will be followed up by a dinner at the Aviv Restaurant in Edgware on Monday 15th of September 2014
We have negotiated a special rate with them of around £30 per head for a 3 course meal with soft drinks and coffee, so please put this date in your diary!
Our Life President, Ronnie Palester, has contacted many past players and we are expecting around 50 former players to attend
We will be contacting you again nearer the time to let you know more information about this evening
In the meantime, may I wish you all the best for the coming season
Mark Ableson
Belmont & Edgware CC